Preserving the Kojo-Ryu Family Karate System,
Chibana-Ha Shorin-Ryu, the Kobudo of Nakazato,
and Hoshiyama-Ryu Jujitsu.

The Okinawan Kojo-Ryu / Shorin-Ryu Koshinkan Kyokai is an independent organization entrusted with passing on and preserving the Kojo-Ryu Karate of the famous Kojo (Koshiro) family of Okinawa. We are also dedicated towards the preservation of Chibana-Ha Shorin Ryu, and the Kobudo of Nakazato Shugoro, Hanshi 10th Dan.
This association also preserves and teaches the ancient Samurai battlefield Jujitsu family style as passed down from Iwamatsu Hoshiyama.
Earned ranking in the Shorin-Ryu Koshinkan also offers certification available to members from Okinawa as well as training opportunities.

International Koshikan Karate/Kobudo Association
Kazuo Hoshiyama Hanshi, President
Charlie Tapia Kyoshi & Angel Lemus Kyoshi, Vice President
Carl Withey Kyoshi, Vice President
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